Monday, March 22, 2010

Monday March, 22, 2010

Wow, John has 16 days of radiation behind him and 17 days to go!! Four more chemo treatments too. He is so looking forward to that last day on April 14th. The past week has been OK. John's daughter Natalie was with him for two solid weeks of pampering and that put him in good spirits.!! John was sad to see her go (I was too, of course). John's brother Rick is with him now and he likes that too. If any of you know how the two of them are together then you won't be surprised to learn they go in trouble today in the radiation waiting area for lagging coins. Not even cancer can stop them from acting like kids!!

John's is still doing fairly well given the circumstances. He is weighing in at 176.5 which is down about 6.5 lbs from the start of treatment. His ability to eat is becoming more difficult so getting the nutrition down is his biggest challenge along with the pain in his mouth. His mouth and tongue feel like they are on fire all the time so even soups and smoothies are tough. It takes him until lunch to finish his breakfast and until dinner to finish his lunch. He gets tired very easily and is resting a lot. Elaine is in Stockton for the week and will return next Monday or on a moments notice if she needs to. Other than that all is well. We thank you for your continued support, cards, emails, posts, and phone calls.

Elaine and John


  1. We MISS you Johnny! Hang in there, you can almost see the finish line! Fight Fight Fight!!

    Ryan,Chris,Noah & Brody!

  2. Johny, I know is not fun..... but honestly I wish I had nutrition problems myself and loose weight. Aris is calling me lately Fratzolina Jolie. (Elaine will translate it for you)
    I hope you laugh with my silly jokes, sometimes I feel awkward.
    Keep are half through..
    Many hugs to both of you.

  3. Still believe in both of you... you can make it. If this is comforting, think that after the treatment you will be stronger than you've ever been before. Don't loose heart! We are next to you, even if we are far. Polla polla filia

  4. Ooops! Signed into the wrong account!!! Hi John and Elaine. I am sending lots of warm thoughts and love in your direction!

    Betsy XOX
