Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thursday March 11, 2010

Wow!! It’s been almost two weeks since our last blog. Not sure how the time got away from us. Tomorrow will complete two full weeks of radiation treatments and John is still doing surprisingly well. That leaves him with only 23 radiation treatments and 5 chemo’s to go!! Believe me, he is counting down!!!

John wants to make the drive back to Stockton tomorrow after treatment, so that is the plan. He’ll be home Friday evening until Sunday morning so if anyone wants to pay him a visit or give him a call, he’d like that.

We’ve had a lot of visitors in the past two weeks. Tom Parker from SFD visited for a day. Thanks Tom!! John really enjoyed a visitor from the department. We’ve seen Johnny a few times too! Finally got a photo of him with his dad for the blog. My sister and brother in law flew out from Chicago for a week. It was wonderful having my big sister here to boss us all around. Just kidding Millie, you know I love you! Thanks for all your help and good meals for John. David was great company for John, and we are so appreciative of them making the long trip. Now, Natalie is here for two whole weeks taking care of and making her daddy smile! She will drive him back to LA on Sunday and I will stay in Stockton and work for a week. She is huge help too and great company for both me and John.

Not much else new to report. I will post again next Friday and try to stay on schedule. We’ve had quite a few emails and calls about the missing posts so we know you are looking for new info all the time. Thanks for your interest and concern. We really appreciate it… Until next week.. Elaine and John


  1. Oh my God!! I became famous too...I am so proud my face traveled all the way to Santa Monica.
    And of course the photo is not from 1983! I was not even born by then Karaoulo.....
    I wish we could be there with you guys for a weekend or so, but I'm afraid you have to stick to the photo for the time being.Many hugs, Cat+Ar

  2. Hey Johnny boy! Looking good as always. Hope all is well, talk to you guys soon.

  3. Hmmmm! How did my 'personal' file (1984 - lol!) been exposed to your blog John? How am I going to continue 'blackmailing' Caterina? She can very easily copy this most precious treasure of mine, this collector's item photo of hers... She's been asking for this material for sooo long and I refuse to give in to her demands... She offers nothing in return. John you have any suggestions? I expect recommendations from both of you... Do I sound very 'bossy'? Usually I'm not!
    This blog was an excellent idea! Please keep posting your news, really need to know your are doing fine. Love xxx ak
